Types of attack

Find out about common scams being carried out around the world and how to protect yourself against them:


Fraudsters will try and convince you to make an investment; often using false testimonials, fake celebrity endorsements, spoof websites or phone calls, cloned companies and other replica marketing materials to make the scam appear genuine.


  • Conduct your own research to understand the offer and how investments and trading works

  • Dont fall for fake endorsements – fraudsters may impersonate famous personalities on social media to make their offer look genuine

  • Get a second opinion, speak to trusted friends or family members and seek professional independent advice before conducting any investment


Cryptocurrency is increasing in popularity, with some people seeing high returns on investment. However, criminals are using this as an opportunity to steal money by advertising fake investments that dont exist or falsely advertise high returns.


  • Never let anyone set-up a cryptocurrency wallet, upload ID documents or manage investments for you

  • Dont fall for fake endorsements – fraudsters may impersonate famous personalities on social media to make their offer look genuine

  • Dont be pressured or rushed into making any investment decision, take your time to conduct research


Scammers prey on those who are low on funds to act as money mules. This means you allow money to be transferred through your bank account in exchange for payment.


  • Dont open a bank account in your name for someone else

  • Dont allow your bank account to be used to send and receive funds for other people

  • Never share your pins, passwords or passcodes with anyone


Purchase scams happen when youre paying for an item, experience, or service that then isnt received and your money is lost.


  • Use safe and official sites when shopping online

  • Use safe ways to pay, such as your debit or credit card

  • Research the retailer online to make sure theyre legitimate


This involves unsolicited letters and emails offering the recipient a generous reward for helping to move large sums of money, usually in US dollars. The transactions typically require you to pay an advance fee or tax to complete the deal. However, any fees paid will be lost.


  • Do not send money or provide personal information to anyone who asks for an upfront payment or fee in exchange for financial gain

  • Always approach online offers, emails, or messages with a healthy dose of scepticism. Dont trust unsolicited requests for money

  • Its ok to reject, refuse or ignore any request. Only criminals will try and rush or panic you


This involves letters or emails which advise the recipient that they have won a prize in a lottery. To obtain the funds, they are asked to respond to the letter or email. A request will then be made for the recipient to provide their bank account details to allow for funds to be transferred.


  • Always approach online offers, emails, or messages with a healthy dose of scepticism

  • Do not send money or provide personal information to anyone who asks for an upfront payment or fee in exchange for financial gain

  • Beware of urgency. Scammers often create a sense of urgency or pressure you to act quickly


If a criminal tricks you into transferring money to them, its known as an authorised push payment (APP) scam. It differs from other types of fraud, as the account holder (you) will have direct knowledge of the payment.


  • Always independently verify the identity of the person or organisation requesting the payment, especially if you receive unexpected or unsolicited requests

  • Beware of urgency scammers often create a sense of urgency or pressure you to act quickly

  • Communicate and confirm payment details through trusted and secure channels, rather than relying on email, text message, or messaging apps


Cheque fraud is the alteration, forgery or counterfeiting of cheques.


  • Store cheques securely where they cannot be accessed by others

  • Use full signatures on cheques

  • Reconcile cheques carefully

Online security matters

The internet offers enormous benefits, from enabling us to communicate and shop online, to making it easier for business to trade across borders. But with these benefits come risks which is why it’s so important to protect yourself and your business.

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